Sunday, December 19, 2010

ETV Program

I have been watching Paris The Luminous Years on ETV, and it is a wonderful program about the artists, painters,poets,writers etc. who lived or worked in Paris right at the turn of the 20th century. The program showed how being in Paris had an effect on them as they worked together and had great comraderie with people in all the arts. I have been interested for a long time in the similarities of the creative spirit of all the artistic realms and wish we had more of an interaction of the arts where I live. I would love to just hang out at the local coffee house and discuss painting or poetry or music with my contemporaries. As I have said in previous posts, I have been enjoying two classes on the internet, and I think it is the interaction with and feedback from other artists that makes it so much fun. That is what makes workshops so great, and I hope there will be more of these online classes in the future.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Cover -Up Again

I am still having fun doing the cover-up exercise from Steve Aimone's class. I am working on my reeds in water series trying to adapt this new method into what I have been doing. It is really not so different from how I have been painting, just more cover-up!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Coverup Symbols

Here I am trying to combine the Personal Symbols class with the cover-up assigment. Instead of doodles, I am starting with personal symbols, and then I start covering up or doodling over. This is a fun way to work, and I will keep exploring it. For a great website with lots of information go to; that is where the Personal Symbols class is.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Another Cover-Up

Here is another "cover-up" painting done in the AARP class of Steve Aimone. This is a triptych done with acrylic paint on canvas. I seem to be good at covering up as there is not much left of the original colors put down; I guess in order to get color left on the canvas, I would have to eliminate white paint! Is this the real me?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Covering Up

I have been taking Steve Aimone's online class at the AARP website and have loved the different assignments and the interaction with other artists. This week's assignment is to paint and cover up, paint and cover up etc. until the drawing/painting is done to your satisfaction. I have been working for months, really years, on a series of "Thin Places" some of which are shallow waters with reeds, and I think that this method of painting may be the perfect way for me to paint these. I am enjoying working on them!